Blue badge

Blue Badge follows an unlikely bunch of middle-aged characters who tour Scotland’s landmarks while undergoing intensive training to become certified Scottish tour guides. Among them is Elsie Gemmell, a 54-year-old Glaswegian mum trying to rediscover life after child-rearing. However, her dream of becoming “The Next Great Face of Scottish Tourism” comes under threat when she realises that official certification training is “harder than bloody childbirth!”

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Please answer several of these questions in a way that best represents your creative skillset.

How are you?
Create a digital portrait.
Explain your life in a movie poster.
If you could donate your time to a cause what would it be?
Do something you’ve never had the courage to do and show us the proof of this accomplishment – of course don’t do anything illegal or stupid.
What did you do or make during the pandemic?
Create a 24″ second video – 1″ second per hour to showcase a day in your life that best describes you.
What’s the one thing you will bring to the Kennedys?