
Klabu is a non-profit supporting refugees through the power of sport. When Klabu came to The Kennedys we loved the concept and their energy and we were super stoked to help them on the launch campaign. We created launch films, a newspaper, and a ton of instagram assets. We also called some friends such as BAM Berlin and WeTransfer to spread the word of the launch. It’s a project we’re incredibly proud of and we can’t wait to help them as they expand.

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Please answer several of these questions in a way that best represents your creative skillset.

How are you?
Create a digital portrait.
Explain your life in a movie poster.
If you could donate your time to a cause what would it be?
Do something you’ve never had the courage to do and show us the proof of this accomplishment – of course don’t do anything illegal or stupid.
What did you do or make during the pandemic?
Create a 24″ second video – 1″ second per hour to showcase a day in your life that best describes you.
What’s the one thing you will bring to the Kennedys?