Nike Ballsy newspaper

While the moving-picture types made pictures move, Jake, John, and Hugo started working on a newspaper: The Ballsy Times, with the accompanying tagline: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the ballsy-est of times. Charles Dickens is still turning in his grave. This fictionalised newspaper would be left in the hotel rooms of people attending the Nike conference. It consisted of a load of articles based on people who happened to have the same names as our clients. Around two-thousand words later we had news about a range of things. Swimming events being canceled due to good weather, a run that ended in a tie between a man and his multiple personalities, reporters breaking into Hulk Hogan’s house; and even Mike Tyson eating another ear. Super fun to write. Super fun to read.

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How are you?
Create a digital portrait.
Explain your life in a movie poster.
If you could donate your time to a cause what would it be?
Do something you’ve never had the courage to do and show us the proof of this accomplishment – of course don’t do anything illegal or stupid.
What did you do or make during the pandemic?
Create a 24″ second video – 1″ second per hour to showcase a day in your life that best describes you.
What’s the one thing you will bring to the Kennedys?